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Research at the CFMI of Aix

Maïté ERRA, permanent professor, in charge of teaching at the CFMI of Aix-en-Provence defended her thesis on Thursday, September 9, 2021. The subject was: "Study of the interdisciplinary and collective creative process in the training of musicians".

Summary of the thesis

Ever since the Centres de Formation de Musiciens Intervenants (CFMI) have existed, they have been constantly questioning the training of creative musician-pedagogues. The latter must be capable of implementing creative approaches with the audiences they accompany in order to produce original creations. The CFMIs wish to deepen their expertise in this field in the light of scientific research. In this sense, this experimental research conducted at the CFMI of Aix-Marseille University, allows us to understand how students appropriate and theorize the creative processes in the conception and realization of an interactive show from their own interdisciplinary creations. Leading musicians to think about invention as a means of learning leads CFMI trainers to imagine appropriate situations. It is by relying on multi-referenced work on creative processes that we analyze this training project. This study is based on the "didactic musicology" developed by Pascal Terrien, which takes into account tools specific to musicology, necessary for the epistemology of musical knowledge and know-how, the didactics of educational sciences to observe and analyze the practices of future musicians and the psychological approach of creativity. The results contribute to the elaboration of a methodology for pedagogical support through the practice and reflexivity of creative action. The latter implies rethinking the teachings according to the object aimed at and the implementation of tools helping the students to conceptualize it.